Redland Bay
Large highset home on 694m2 - directly behind the current Redland Bay Shopping Village. The location speaks for itself. Positioned left of the block, there is extensive yard space and side access and the house itself has a large floorplan.
It's many options include:
RENOVATE - A spacious floorplan and huge verandah provides the foundations and potential for an excellent family home. The kitchen and bathrooms are in great condition.
SIT AND WAIT - Spend minimal dollars to rent out the house for around $380 per week........whilst deciding what the future holds.
DETONATE - Medium Density Residential zoning offers many possibilities upon the relevant Council approvals.
Email / phone Andrea Onley on 0405 136 375 to inspect / for further details.
Contact Agent
Matt Wilkins
0416 472 37707 3206 7666
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